Fat Greenling Sushi [Ainame]

Japanese Name and Pronunciation:

In Japan, “Ainame,” also known as fat greenling, is a delectable fish that has found its way into sushi preparations. Ainame sushi, or “Ainame nigiri,” is a delicacy that showcases the natural flavors of this white-fleshed fish in a traditional sushi presentation.
To create Ainame nigiri, fresh Japanese greenling is skillfully filleted and cut into small, bite-sized pieces. The fish is carefully selected during its peak season, which spans from summer to autumn, to ensure the best taste and quality. Ainame’s delicate and refined taste, coupled with its subtle yet satisfying umami, makes it an excellent choice for sushi enthusiasts.
Ainame sushi may be served with a hint of wasabi on top or accompanied by soy sauce for those who prefer a touch of additional seasoning.
Ainame is a white-fleshed fish with a rich and intense umami flavor. However, due to its status as a high-end fish when fresh, Ainame nigiri sushi is not commonly found in conveyor belt sushi restaurants and is typically limited to upscale sushi establishments.